Here I finally make a Japanese bento, cooking soba noodles and blanched spinach. I also topped the noodles with surimi (artificial crabmeat) and green onions. You can also put shredded nori, but I packed that separate so it wouldn't get soggy before eating. I also packed the sauce in a piggie container for my boy to squirt over the noodles right before eating. The sauce is homemade, using rice vinegar, mirin, shoyu, lime juice, sesame oil and grated ginger. It's tasty!
On the other side I placed sliced green zebra tomatoes (these are green and look tart, but they are actually quite sweet), a yellow pear tomato and an orange sugarsweet tomato. On the side are golden beet spears. For his fruit he gets a half pluot (brown skin, dark red flesh -- the sweetest kind!), blueberries and golden raspberries. Oh, I almost forgot the purple carrot disc skewer; I think this adds a nice colorful detail, don't you?
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