Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Taro Bread Rollups Bento

Taro Bread Rollups Bento by sherimiya ♥
Taro Bread Rollups Bento, a photo by sherimiya ♥ on Flickr.
Here's a bento I make quite often for TinySprite, in several variations. She likes finger foods, and rollups are a favorite of hers. Sometimes I use tortillas, sometimes sushi, and sometimes -- as here -- I use flattened bread. I've posted a tutorial of how I make the bread rollups here. The purple color of this taro bread is so pretty that I decided to use it today. It's also a nice bread to use because it's soft and fluffy. Whole grain breads are often on the dry side (it can still be used though, like I did here). After rolling the bread flat with a rolling pin, I smeared cream cheese and lay some smoked salmon on top before rolling and pressing to seal. If I had arugula I would have rolled some in there as well. I also added a golden beet-dyed hen egg decorated with a face made of carrot and nori. (Been on a kind of yellow egg roll these days. Of sorts.) There's some satsumaimo (underneath) and regular sweet potato flowers as well as steamed broccoli tucked in there. Finally, I gave her some sliced yellow peaches as a sweet treat. Cheep cheep! ^_^


  1. Pretty color! I love taro in any fashion.

  2. Lovely nice color of the taro bread and cute quail egg chicky! :D

  3. Adorable! The taro bread is awesome and adds so much color :)

  4. So unique to have purple bread and definitely caught my attention. Such a detail work on the quail egg too. Too cute to eat. ;-)

  5. That's so sweet Nami. Really appreciate your kind words :D
