Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pikachu Summer Bento

Pikachu Summer Bento, originally uploaded by sherimiya ♥.
Today's bento contains more ravioli; this time tomato-basil-spinach whole wheat ravioli. Instead of using the ravioli for a face, I added an egg decorated as Pikachu. For some reason my beet didn't stain the hen's egg as well as it did the quail egg from the Kiiroitori bento; not sure why. After dyeing the egg yellow, I cut two ears and added nori detail for ear tips, eyes and nose. His cheeks are imitation crab and his mouth is salami. I poked a few roasted asparagus in the gaps to keep his ears in place as well. The fruit side has lychee, homegrown apricot and dark red super sweet plums. These were so juicy they were practically liquid when I cut them. Of course, I can't remember the variety since I bought a whole bunch of different ones from a bunch of different farmers' markets last week. I packed everything in the cute Pokemon bento box I got at Ichiban Kan. It's kind of small, but the small size means things are packed more closely together and hopefully stay in place somewhat. When MisterMan got home he told me one of the visiting dads, Mr. L, took a picture of this bento to show Mrs. L. Hope she liked it. Hehe! ^_^


  1. Wow, super cute and expressive Pikachu! Loved learning how you put this yummy, zesty bento together :D

  2. This is impressive! And so much like Pikachu! I'm with Benotbird, I love learning how you put these together too. He's so cute, I feel like patting the little pikachu in your bento box. hehe!

  3. Thanks bentobird; appreciate your always supportive comments!

    Thanks Chantale!! ^_^

  4. Cute Pikachu! This is my kids' favorite character from Pokemon ... will show it to them later. Bet they will give a big WOW to this bento :)

  5. Thanks Lia! I like how his face came out. Seems like I have more time in summer to try my hand at charaben. When school starts I'm lucky to get any cute into my bento at all!

  6. Oh yeah, so cute and it really looks animated! Nice one sheri!

  7. Wow, love the egg Pikachu! My boy has been asking for Pikachu bento since long time ago, I shall borrow this idea one day! :)

  8. Thanks KidsDreamWork! Look forward to seeing yours :)

  9. That's so cute! I should absolutely sit down and try to do a Pikachu for my boyfriend, too!

  10. egg + pickachu, a perfect combination for my son's bento. will definitely keep this in mind.
    thanks sherimiya! cheers/karen =)

  11. Thanks Martyna; you really should!

    Thanks Karen! So sweet :o)

  12. Cute. Cute. Cute. I just found you through What's for Lunch Wednesday. You have some great ideas. I'll have to check back with you again.

  13. Hi Kit!
    Thanks for clicking over from Shannon's. Appreciate it!

  14. Pikachu is awesome! Great idea to use the egg and he looks so cute with his tongue sticking out! :)
