Monday, March 15, 2010

Portabella Bento

Portobella Bento, originally uploaded by sherimiya ♥.
For this bento, I sliced and grilled portabella mushroom caps with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and sprinkled with chopped scallion. Asparagus and baby round potatoes were tossed with olive oil and garlic, and roasted together. I added a perfectly round cherry tomato in the corner for a splash of red, and some baked sweet potatoes cut into flower shapes. In the fruit section he has sliced plum, blueberries, and a cup of cottage cheese topped with chopped strawberries and wheat germ.

Upon looking at this bento now, it seems like a wintry one, with lots of earth tones and warming foods. Hopefully my bento will start to look brighter and more colorful with the coming of spring! I am definitely liking the longer evenings these days. The kids stayed outside until 8pm last night, riding bikes down the bay trail just down the street from our house. And today was positively warm, which got me thinking about refreshing foods like somen salad and sushi. Yay!


  1. Wonderful bento with all of my favorite things! Roasted potatoes and asparagus, and grilled portabella mushrooms! Pretty and healthy bento.

  2. i agree, a little bit wintry, but those comforting earthy flavors are welcome in any season, and perfectly appropriate for this transition period (it's been raining and cold for the past three days in NYC). love the cute animal picks and double-cut flowers!

  3. I also look forward to the warm summery days when packing a somen salad bento will "hit the spot". In the meantime the warmness of this bento will do just fine... yum.

  4. Thanks Susan! This bento is actually from last Friday; I thought it was funny that you had a portabella bento too!

    Thanks megan...let's hope the transition is nearly over! I am SO ready, everyone's probably sick of hearing me moan about it!

    Debra, summer = somen salad. Period. Just here waiting, tap tap tap... Thanks for the encouragement and sweet words!

  5. yummy mushrooms, my fav. the bento looks fine too me, sometimes its nice to tuck in something hearty and comforting, spring or otherwise.

  6. So much foods in this bento and the healthy ones. Great to see your style of bento ... looking forward to see spring theme bento soon ;)

  7. Some roasty elements always bring extra depth and yunmminess, as in this wonderful assortment. Love the bright animal accents and elegant warmth of this one! (Oh, and of course love love that background--one of the most perfectly balanced cute/lovely motifs I've ever seen!)

  8. Wintery or not, I'll take portobello mushrooms any day!!

  9. Thanks javapot, soo agree :)
    Thanks Lia, look forward to yours too!
    Such a sweet thoughtful comment. Many thanks bentobird! I love the usagi background too!
    veganf, yay for portobellas!! Woo!
