Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Shoyu Chicken Round Bento

Remember this round bento? It was dubbed by some readers as the Magic Round Bento because it was this box that made me realize that the round shape makes everything look good with minimal effort. Try it; you'll see for yourself. With no beginning or end, no edges or corners, the meal looks perfectly balanced and artistic. Automatically.

Today I packed some shoyu chicken for TinySprite in a lettuce leaf, sliced for her ease, steamed broccoli and corn, carrots, blood orange segments and a couple tiny grape tomatoes. Nothing special or cute, except maybe a little flower cut from cheddar cheese smiling up at her through the translucent lid. You can't see, but there's a substantial crack in the lid now, which mars the view a little, but no matter. I'll use this magic round bento box until it falls apart. 


  1. You've sold me! I've got to find a round bento box for myself. I have a tiffin, but it's too big. Yours seems like just the right size.

    1. I have a tiffin too; and it's great for separating greater amounts, as you say. But this one-tier, 3-sectioned box also has about a half inch between the box and the lid to pack even more -- making it just about right for my kiddos too. Thanks Student turned Doctor!
