Top: In the midst of bentomaking demo
Bottom Left: Display of various bento boxes and tools
Bottom Right: The Lucky Chow team (and me)
We had a bit of excitement last week over here at Happy Little Bento when the team from the PBS show Lucky Chow came over to shoot a segment for an upcoming episode of their second season. This episode will focus on Japanese culture and food, so I talked with host Danielle Chang about bento, and then we assembled a couple of cute bento together while her cameraman walked around filming us. I gave behind-the-scenes camera duties to MisterMan, and he took a bunch of photos I'll share with you here. Thanks MM!
They arrived at 5pm, so I spent the afternoon setting up a display on the table and preparing food and bento supplies for us to use for our bentomaking in the kitchen. TS and I think it looks all right!
They wanted to film a greeting for the opening, so TS filled in with an impromptu performance. She really got a kick out of that.
I had to wear a microphone and transmitter so that we could walk around and talk. They decided to have us talk at the table first.
I didn't realize someone was peeking around the corner here...
The bentomaking itself was a lot of fun. I've never done a bento demo alongside someone else at the same time. It encouraged me to explain exactly what I was going to do next and clearly describe the tools and foods.
Are you ready for your close-up?
Make one, teach one!
The whole thing took about 3 hours and we were finished with our bento just as the natural light was pretty much fading. Perfect timing. I think things went well and in fact my kids couldn't tell whose bento was whose!
The completed bento sets!
Guess who ate the bento for dinner? ^__^
It was a lot of fun. If the editing goes well and the episode airs, I'll let you know. Thanks for taking a look at our adventures. Happy bentomaking!