Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Salmon and Brussels Bento

I haven't used the magic round bento in a long while, and just realized it's probably too small for MisterMan now. But I think it might be appropriate for TinySprite now? The nice thing about this bento is that you don't really have to fill up each section to the top; most things will pretty much stay in their own compartment. It does look like I filled them up today though, doesn't it? Actually she got a piece of mustard roasted salmon (cut in two), some roasted baby potatoes, and roasted shredded brussels sprouts (yep, all in the same pan). Her typical pickled veggies fit in a second wedge, and the third holds a scattering of berries and mandarin segments. Well, that was easy! I really must start using this box more frequently again.


  1. What a delicious bento, just love the nutty flavor of sprouts with salmon. Healthy and inspired!
