Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ma Po Tofu Jack Bento

Ma Po Tofu Jack Bento by sherimiya ♥
Ma Po Tofu Jack Bento, a photo by sherimiya ♥ on Flickr.
MisterMan and TinySprite both get ma po tofu (I adapted Lovelylanvin's recipe) in their bento boxes today. The kid version always looks so bland to me because I have to omit all chili sauce. I think my son would be willing to try this dish a bit spicier these days, but my daughter would surely rebel against any red flakes she might happen to spy. The other half of the LunchBot contains strawberries, yellow cherry tomatoes, Okinawan sweet potato slices, blackberries, and a tangelo jack-o-lantern -- made with tofu eyes and teeth. Heheh!


  1. Yummy ma po tofu! Enjoying so much your Jack-O-Lantern bento series. I'm trying to feed Little A with spicy foods lately, mild though. I hope he can catch up with Big A so I can cook more spicy foods for their bento *big grin*

  2. Good luck with that! At first I thought she'd want to keep up with her brother, but she's much more stubborn *sigh* I don't even utter the word spicy or she'll insist she can't eat it >.<
    Thanks Lia!

  3. Yay, what a handsome Jack :) I feel your pain about the spicy food, A-chan is the same way though she used to eat very spicy food all the time. Good luck with TS.

  4. You're really good at all these, Sheri! A tangelo jack-o-lantern=this is really another creative idea for Halloween!
    Enjoy your great weekend!

  5. Cute! I was going to make mine out of rice - but this is much healthier. ^^

  6. Oh I'm loving all your jack o lantern and pumpkin bentos Sheri! I'm inspired by you and should try my hand at one myself! Must beat my lazy derriere to get up and do it. lol. Your mapo tofu looks delish! This is the kind of version my mom would've made for me when I was a kid and couldn't handle the spicyness either. : )

  7. Hahaha! I'm loving all of you Jack'o'lantern creations! This ones great. I still have not tried ma po tofu :(

  8. Thanks a lot Ꮮуռ (ᶬˠ ᶩᶤᵗᵗᶥᵋ ᵐᵋˢˢᵞ ᴻ ᶜʱᵋᵋᵏᵞ), AikoVenus, ChantaleP and Heather :D
