Monday, July 11, 2011

Mahimahi Summer Bento

Mahimahi Bento by sherimiya ♥
Mahimahi Bento, a photo by sherimiya ♥ on Flickr.
I found a nice mahimahi filet today so decided to do the furikake mahi mahi that is so popular in plate lunch in Hawaii. It's so easy; the way I do it is 3 steps max: squirt with kewpie mayo, sprinkle with furikake, then carefully pan fry both sides. I added three tiny fish shapes cut from radish, with sesame seed eyes, and a grape tomato for color. The next compartment has bicolor corn on the cob, bicolor Okinawan sweet potato star shapes, and purple and orange carrots. For fruit he has lychee (yummmmmy!), sweet yellow peach, and cherries. Everything fits just right in this cute and practical Lunchbot.

Some exciting news about my bento from last week: it reached the final 20 in a contest sponsored by Bento & Co: "A Bento For Someone You Love"! There's a vote going on at the company's Facebook page to determine the final winner -- the grand prize being a trip to Kyoto. If you have a chance, I would appreciate a vote from you, my wonderful readers! The site is here: Bento & Co. You have to "like" the page first, then click on the purple "Participer" button, then scroll through the entries. They're not labeled, but mine is currently on page 3 and looks like this:

Thanks very much for your help! I'll let you know the results :D


  1. I <3 the colors of your bentos. Beautimous!

  2. I voted! Good luck with the contest! Getting a trip to Kyoto would be the experience of a lifetime! I love this colorful bento. Your lychee look so much better than the ones I get here, yum!

  3. I love the fish and the use of kurogoma. How cute! So colorful and I love your fruit section. Always several kinds! ;-)

  4. mmm furikake mahi! hope your bento wins the contest!
